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What is a Spiritual Life Coach?

​It is similar to a Life Coach in the sense that it helps people identify where they are in their life and the steps to take in order to get them to where they want to go. The difference is that a Spiritual Life Coach takes a more holistic approach and helps people heal themselves on a deeper level by getting to the root cause of all the challenges and problems faced throughout their life.  

As a Spiritual Life Coach, my goal is to help you create peace within yourself while offering you support and guidance as you go through your spiritual journey as you find the true meaning and purpose of your life. I will work with you to help you discover and release any emotional blocks, limiting beliefs, negative thought patterns that have caused you to feel stuck or trapped. When these low vibrational feelings arise, it simply means that your energy is interrupted and it is not flowing freely through the body. We will work together to move this energy by healing any past wounds that are preventing you from moving forward. 

I will provide you with tools and exercises to help you shift your mindset to create a more positive life. Most importantly, I will help you step into alignment with your mind, body and soul which will allow your energy to be free flowing which naturally creates feelings of peace, joy and happiness!

Image by Alexander Grey
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